How To Install A Sliding Glass Door In Place Of A Window?

Installing a sliding glass door in place of an old window can be an easy and rewarding DIY project. Not only is it cheaper than hiring someone to install it, but you also get the satisfaction of knowing that you did it yourself.

But before you begin, there are some important steps to take. Let’s take a look at what you’ll need to do to properly install your sliding glass door.

1. Preparation and Planning

Before you even begin installing your new door, there are several preparations that must be done first. First, make sure that your existing window opening is large enough for the new door frame.

You may need to widen or lengthen the opening in order for the frame to fit properly. In addition, make sure that your frame is level and plumb so that it will slide smoothly when installed.

2. Remove the Window Trim

How To Install A Sliding Glass Door In Place Of A Window
Image Source: Flicker

Before you can begin installing your new door, you must first remove the trim around your existing window. This is easily accomplished by using a pry bar or putty knife to carefully pry off the trim. Be sure to take care not to damage any of the wall or ceiling areas around the window as you do so.

Once you have removed all of the trim, use a reciprocating saw or circular saw to cut out the frame from within the wall cavity. If possible, try and leave at least some of the studs intact as this will help support your new sliding glass door when it is installed.

3. Installing the Frame

Once you have prepared the opening and made sure everything fits correctly, it’s time to start installing the frame itself. Start by laying out pieces of 2×4 lumber around the perimeter of the opening as temporary blocking boards.

These boards will help support the weight of the door while being secured into place with shims and screws.

After securing these temporary supports, check again for level and plumb before securing more permanent screws into place.

4. Install Your New Sliding Glass Door

Once you have removed your old window and created enough space for your new sliding glass door, it’s time to install it! Begin by attaching two vertical tracks at either side of where your old window was located (these should be level).

Next, attach two horizontal tracks across both vertical tracks and make sure they are level as well. From there, you can insert your new sliding glass door into its tracks and secure it with screws.

Lastly, fill any gaps with insulation foam and caulk around all edges before replacing any trim that may have been removed during installation.

5. Finishing Touches

Caulk any gaps between it and the surrounding walls or flooring with silicone caulk specifically designed for outdoor use (which can be found at any home improvement store).

Caulk will help seal out drafts while also adding extra support against water leakage or damage from inclement weather over time.

Moreover, install weatherstripping around each side of both doors before putting on handles or knobs as desired! This will help keep outside air from coming through while keeping energy costs down inside your home as well!

6. Test Your New Sliding Glass Door

Finally, once everything has been installed securely, test out your new sliding glass door! Make sure that it slides smoothly along its tracks and that all locks are functioning properly before moving on to other tasks or projects related to this one.

It’s also important not to forget about adding weather stripping or seals around any exposed edges; this will help ensure that no cold air gets in through cracks or gaps during winter months.

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Things To Consider (Tips)

1. Choose the Right Door

The first step in ensuring that your sliding glass door is safe is to choose the right door. There are a variety of doors on the market, and not all of them are created equal. Make sure to do your research and choose a door that is made from high-quality materials and that has been tested for safety.

2. Install It Properly

Once you have chosen the right door, it is important to make sure that it is installed properly. This means ensuring that the door is level and that the tracks are aligned correctly. If the door is not installed properly, it could become dangerous.

3. Test It Regularly

After your door is installed, it is important to test it regularly to make sure that it is still safe. This means testing the locks to ensure that they are working correctly and checking the tracks for any debris or damage. If you notice any problems, make sure to fix them immediately.

4. Keep It Clean

It is also important to keep your sliding glass door clean in order to maintain its safety. This means removing any dirt, dust, or debris from the tracks and wiping down the glass regularly. If you allow dirt and debris to build up, it could eventually cause damage to the door or make it more difficult to open and close.

5. Repair Any Damage Immediately

If you do notice any damage to your sliding glass door, it is important to repair it immediately. This could mean replacing a broken pane of glass or fixing a damaged track. Ignoring damage can cause the problem to worsen over time and potentially lead to an accident


Installing a sliding glass door in place of a window is relatively simple but does require some patience and skill.

By following these steps removing existing trim, creating enough space for your new door, inserting it into its tracks securely, and testing out its functionality you can rest assured knowing that you have done everything necessary for the successful installation of your new sliding glass door!

Homeowners who are looking for an easy way to upgrade their homes should definitely consider replacing existing windows with more modern options such as these!

Related Topic: How To Remove Sliding Glass Door? 2 Different Methods


Converting a window into a sliding door can be quite an expensive job. Typically, it’s a good idea to get an estimate from a contractor for the full cost of the conversion before you begin, as each project is unique.

Depending on the size and design of your existing window, you could need to pay for custom elements and installation costs. Researching different contractors and their prices can help you choose one with competitive rates and quality.

Can I change a window to a door?

If the opening in question has the right dimensions, then changing a window to a door is completely possible. You’ll need to purchase a pre-made door and make sure it fits the existing frame. Still, simply swapping out one for the other is not enough; you also have to make sure the door works properly and has appropriate weatherproofing measures like weatherstripping and sealing.

Additionally, if you don’t have experience with door installation, it would be wise to hire a professional carpenter or contractor that can make sure the job is done properly.

Is it hard to install a sliding glass door?

Installing a sliding glass door can be intimidating since it requires careful measurement and precise cutting. However, with the right tools and detailed instructions, anyone who is reasonably handy can complete the job in only a few hours. A successful installation always requires patience and attention to detail, so take your time to get it right!

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